Saturday, 15 December 2012

Lloyd Banks digi pack anaylsis

  • The colour scheme of the digi-pack itself displays connotations to the American dollar.  This suggests that the songs in the digi-pack may be based on the desire for money and power.
  • The desire for power could also be acknowledged with the dollar image, as it has Lloyd’s head in the middle of the note almost looking presidential.
  • You could say that there is also an intertextual reference to the scare face poster, which suggest that Lloyd banks aspires to be just as successful as scare face.
  • On the inside panel of the digi-pack, there is another image of Lloyd Banks, however this time it could be suggested that it displays him to be more like a gangster and further displays  his ‘hood’.   

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

response to blog feedback

Animatic- Beau
As a group, Sarah and I will be making improvements on our animatic such as adding more shoots taken from different angles. This will hopefully speed up the animatic and make the visualise more in-sync with the song; ‘You give me something’.

Lesson 13
In Your Arms- music video analysis
Just the way you are- music video analysis
Ed Sheeran music video analysis
You give me something- analysis

To improve these posts I will be analysing all the music video posted and will be adding information on all the lessons listed that are described as ‘empty post’.

Pitch feedback
As a team Sarah and I will be discussing in detail what information we gathered from presenting the pitch to the class. This will include discussion on how we plan to implement changes to our project due to the audience feedback. By furthering this, it will demonstrate that we have considered audience feedback and are able to adapt our work due to the feedback.

Blog feedback- improvements to make, and add
I will be re-listening to Leanne’s audio feedback, and responding to the points she made.

Blog feedback
On this post I will be commenting on the improvements that I will be making on my blog;
·      Relevant labelling of posts
·      Improvements on journal posts
·      Go back on to the journal posts and add more context to each of them e.g. how has this knowledge/research impacted the way in which I have thought about my coursework

Audience profile- Beau
As a group Sarah and I will be improving our audience profile, by being more specific on our target audience e.g. we are targeting a more upper class indie, for example topshop indie they inspire to look like the traditional indies, but have a more of edge to their fashion. They will accomplish this by layering with edgy pieces to their clothing e.g. studded leather jackets, bracelets, converses etc. However they are cleaner in the way they look, unlike the traditional Indies; they will go to festivals but won’t get dirty in the mud. 

Missing posts
·      Notes and reviews of album cover article
·      Analysis of digipacks- Lloyd Banks and others
·     De-commodification post, add more information, e.g. how am I going to fight de-commodification? How do I plan to encourage our target audience to buy my digipack?

Class feedback

Lack of blogging – and relevant blogging that really shows that your research has contributed to your planning is an issue. For example the theory being applied Goodwin should have been mentioned more than once across your blogs, you should have analyses video and used screen shots in the same why that I did with the Trey Songz video and explain how they fit with Goodwin. If they don’t fit consider why they are going against these conventions that Goodwin has listed.
What elements of Godwin have you incorporated in to your music video planning and why? Also it you are subverting these convention or incorporated intextuality explain why.
Adorno and Horkheimer explain the relevance of having this knowledge on how the industry works. Is your artist unique or just another product of the ‘sausage machine’ that is the music industry?
Record Label research – who is your artist signed to and why. Consider the differences between Major and Independent Record Labels some Majors own smaller labels what effect does the record label have on your artist?
You should all have recce shoots – (pictures of possible location and not ones taken off of the internet, you need to perform reconnaissance to see if where you want to film is feasible)
Album cover article and De-commodification article lots of you are still missing this – and also the relevance of placing the articles in their context. They should get you thinking about your digipaks and the design of them. Who still buys CDs? Why would someone make the effort to pick up your digipak from the shelf when they could probably down load it and copy the video from YouTube – don’t become complacent that this is just a design task you need to show that you are contemporary media students living in a digital age where the decommodification of CDs is a very real issue.
Many of you haven’t even commented on the feedback you got from Leanne, it takes hours to mark blogs and you are making a mockery of teachers efforts when you don’t even action the feedback that you’ve been given.
Frankly – with the marjority of you due to lack of work on your blog, I can’t really see what you have done during class time and for independent study.
Journal posts aren’t just a narrative of what you have done, but what you have done and why, it should provide reflective commentary on your work – so we are able to see the workings of the group – also these aren’t shared posts you don your own journal.
BIGGEST BUG BEAR – DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE INTERNET AND DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM EACHOTHER! This shows now ingenuity or any level of impendent work, and frankly is become boring reading the same thing over and over again.Copying and pasting from Wikipedia doesn’t constitute as research what it actual mean is that ‘I’m lazy’. You should be referencing where you are copying and pasting from and commenting on what knowledge you have gained and how this contribute to your project or even better read the research on the internet put it in your own words and reference where you got your knowledge from.
There is a lack of detailed Music Video analyses you should have initially had video that showed that you understand the conventions of music videos and also music video of the genre you are working in. You should be referring Goodwin and also using screen shots.

Blog feedback, part 2

Looking at the animatic the cuts seem a little slow paced, and I think it could be feed up by adding in more shots e.g. more perspective on the shots that are long you could add in some close ups of his face. I know the song is slow paced but the cuts don’t even seem to be happening on a beat. In saying this and having spoken with you and Sarah I really like the concept.
Lesson 13
Don’t leave empty posts
In Your Arms- music video analysis Just the way you are- music video analysis Ed Sheeran music video analysis You give me something- analysis
I would consider these to be empty posts, as you have just embedded YouTube videos. Please perform some textual analysis incorporating Goodwin and explaining how these could influence your own music video. I would say that at this stage in the coursework all textual analysis should have been done as this is part of Research and Planning. You could do these as a voice over, download the video and record commentary/ analysis and then upload to your blog.
Pitch feedback
Please comment on what you got from this feedback, summarize the feedback and how you plan to input changes in your project due to this audience feedback – this shows that you have considered audience feedback and are able to adapt you work sue to this feedback.
Blog feedback- improvements to make, and add
Don’t leave empty posts
Blog feedback
You haven’t commented on the feedback you got from Leanne, this shows that you haven’t critically thought about your work or tried to make the improvements. Some things Leanne mentioned and still haven’t done
Relevant labelling of posts Your journal posts are still not reflective as opposed to narrative Go back over these posts and add context to them e.g. how has this
knowledge/research impacted the why in which you have thought about yourcoursework? Capitalism, creativity and the crisis in the music industry, Independent record labels in the uk (please don’t copy and paste) The Big Three, Major vs Independent record labels, Lesson 1- Adorno and Horkheimer's theory
Leanne also said to use screen shots for your analysis Coldplay; Paradise, music video analysis, Jay-Z; 99 Problems, Music video analysis
Audience profile- Beau
I wouldn’t agree with your psychographic and it doesn’t completely match your demographic. You said mostly female and then said mainly teenage boys and girls. Also I’m not sure the song you chose is can be considered ‘indie’ and appealing to those who ‘don’t follow the crowd’. This song you have chosen reminds me of Van Morrison and I would consider it to be Pop/Soul possibly for those teens who have grown up listening to what their parents have but want something with a modern edge, fans of this music appreciate it’s old school roots but also want a contemporary sound to it.
Notes and review of album cover article – You should have read the article on album covers by now! Summarise what you have read and how what you have read can inform your planning
Analysis of Digipaks – written and virtual – I think Jack may have scanned some other covers
De-commodification – we read this article in class – what was it about – how are you going to fight de-commodification? You all admitted that you don’t but CDs let alone digipaks – SO HOW DO YOU PLAN TO ENCOURAGE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE to buy your digipak?