Tuesday 4 December 2012

response to blog feedback

Animatic- Beau
As a group, Sarah and I will be making improvements on our animatic such as adding more shoots taken from different angles. This will hopefully speed up the animatic and make the visualise more in-sync with the song; ‘You give me something’.

Lesson 13
In Your Arms- music video analysis
Just the way you are- music video analysis
Ed Sheeran music video analysis
You give me something- analysis

To improve these posts I will be analysing all the music video posted and will be adding information on all the lessons listed that are described as ‘empty post’.

Pitch feedback
As a team Sarah and I will be discussing in detail what information we gathered from presenting the pitch to the class. This will include discussion on how we plan to implement changes to our project due to the audience feedback. By furthering this, it will demonstrate that we have considered audience feedback and are able to adapt our work due to the feedback.

Blog feedback- improvements to make, and add
I will be re-listening to Leanne’s audio feedback, and responding to the points she made.

Blog feedback
On this post I will be commenting on the improvements that I will be making on my blog;
·      Relevant labelling of posts
·      Improvements on journal posts
·      Go back on to the journal posts and add more context to each of them e.g. how has this knowledge/research impacted the way in which I have thought about my coursework

Audience profile- Beau
As a group Sarah and I will be improving our audience profile, by being more specific on our target audience e.g. we are targeting a more upper class indie, for example topshop indie they inspire to look like the traditional indies, but have a more of edge to their fashion. They will accomplish this by layering with edgy pieces to their clothing e.g. studded leather jackets, bracelets, converses etc. However they are cleaner in the way they look, unlike the traditional Indies; they will go to festivals but won’t get dirty in the mud. 

Missing posts
·      Notes and reviews of album cover article
·      Analysis of digipacks- Lloyd Banks and others
·     De-commodification post, add more information, e.g. how am I going to fight de-commodification? How do I plan to encourage our target audience to buy my digipack?

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